A friend nudged me on twitter to write a blog post about this, which was great for two reasons, firstly I was having a bad case of writers block (or at least procrastination), lots of things had made me nearly write a blog post, but not quite catalysed.
(UX of Riverford's new store, Should you try and make your copy SMART? etc.) Secondly, we are going to a UX retreat this weekend, and I think this might be a topic I want to discuss there, so thank you James for the timely inspiration.
When I first started at Eden; in the designer part of my role, faced with an agile developer asking me to commit to short iterations, my gut instinct was panic. Not because I felt incapable, but because creativity isn't something you always have, or can turn on, on demand. This was of course not the right reaction, or even justified. It was however, I suspect what most 'creatives' feel when faced for the first time with seemingly short iterations.
It's true, creativity waxes and wanes, but we cope with this all the time.
What are the tricks we use to do this?
This is a blog-post (or series) in itself. However, we've been trying out Story Mapping, and Sketchboarding, both of which we've found pretty helpful.
My main tips are:
Pens and paper Scribble your ideas, perfect drawing is not required (anyone can draw a box!) and use it as a tool to facilitate conversation about your ideas.
Conversation You need to talk. To your client, to thier stakeholders, to your team, to your developers and ideally along the line, you should talk to users (a lot).
Avoid Photoshop early on We've found that photoshop gives a false impression of a finished solution. Unless your stakeholders need Photoshop visuals to get buy in, we say avoid them. Try and steer them towards wireframing. If they need them for buy-in (which many do) be very clear that they are an indication of what could be. Nothing more.
No amount of Agile allows you to not have to think. You still need an overview of the whole project in the back of your mind, when you are working on a small piece.
You'll have to have an understanding not just of the problem, but of the solution, the technologies, the implications of decisions on the team and budget.
You will have to push back against developers and customers from time to time. That's OK. Defend the things you genuinely feel are required.
Agile is all about collaboration. You need to be one of the team. Seriously, the siloing of creative vs. technical is just rubbish. Developers are unlikely to have your skills and vice versa. You will learn and teach a lot (as will they). Share your skills liberally, and everyone will benefit.
I think there is a whole post in how you get 'on the team' and as it's late and this is already a long post, I'll come back to that another time.